Don ’50 and Faith Metzler Semla ’51

“As a veteran who had not been an exceptional high school student, I was accepted on probation. The IC experience helped me to prove to myself that I was capable of success. Others need that opportunity.”

Illinois College

IC helped prepare Don Semla ’50 for a successful career in insurance. He is retired from COUNTRY Companies, now COUNTRY Financial. It’s also where he met Faith Metzler Semla ’51, who said the College has changed, grown and become more diverse since their time on campus. 

In order to keep moving toward the future and continuing to offer opportunities for financial support, which were crucial to her ability to go to college, Faith said the College will always need the involvement of alumni. In addition to their investment in students through the IC Fund, the couple are charter and current members of the Illinois College Society and Sturtevant Society members.

“In the 1950s, there was a Forward Movement Fund drive; it was recent alums who staffed the phones. Illinois College has continued to have great alumni support, which needs to continue so that new, updated and necessary advancements can be made. Also, to keep tuition and food and housing as low as possible, alumni contributions are needed. To reach $50 million through the Inspiring Achievement campaign is huge, and I am proud and pleased.”