The IC Impact Report: From the President

The calendar year is coming to a close, as is the fall semester, and this holiday season promises greater opportunity to gather with those we love in meaningful ways. I am mindful that Inspiring Achievement: The Campaign for Illinois College is also coming to a close; we are very excited about good work across campus and in curricular and co-curricular program development that the Campaign has already made possible.

PresidentIt is truly one of the privileges of my position as president to extend my deepest gratitude to the generations of thoughtful alumni donors and friends of the College who make Illinois College’s mission come alive through the experiences of students, faculty and staff. Your financial support, as well as the dedication to the well-being of Illinois College that I encounter whenever I meet with alumni and other supporters, is sustaining! 

The annual Impact Report provides an opportunity to both recognize Illinois College’s donors by name and express the entire community’s gratitude for the transformative opportunities your gifts make possible. In this issue you will also find an update on Inspiring Achievement. I am pleased to announce we have raised over $46 million since the end of last year’s reporting period. We expect to embark on the second phase of the Crispin Hall renovation in May; I will send updates as this exciting project progresses.

The College has successfully navigated the global pandemic for three academic years, largely due to the commitment and tireless efforts of the IC community that met and vaulted over any number of challenges. Through it all, our mission and liberal arts tradition have endured as we prepare students to Graduate READY. Commitment to their success is our North Star.

Thank you for your many gifts to the College this year. I send you warm wishes for a joyous holiday season and the hope of new beginnings in 2022.

All the best,




Barbara A. Farley
