Illinois College Fine Arts Series

Fine Arts
The Illinois College Fine Arts Series has enhanced Jacksonville’s cultural and artistic community for more than 40 years.

We thank the following donors for their gifts to this series, which support us in bringing nationally known performers to campus for our students and the larger Jacksonville community.

Founder of the Arts
$1,000 or More
Elizabeth Aldridge
Neal ’60 & Dianna Hart

Conservator of the Arts
$500 to $999
Joy French Becker ’67 H’15
Bob & Karen Sibert
Donald & Alice Tracey

Friend of the Arts
$250 to $499
Elizabeth French Becker & Alban Haxhinasto ’02
Eddie ’70 & Sandra Carpenter
Elaine Chapman & Dennis Backstrom
Chuck ’65 & Reva Krell
Adah Mitchell
Darlene Nelson ’70
Dale Robertson ’92
Dave & Jean Harlow Truesdell

Benefactor of the Arts
$100 to $249
Phillip & Terri Benz
David Bone
Liliana Costa
Jeff & Addie Coultas
Robert & Rosemary Jokisch
Larry & Mary Kuster
Jean Mies
Gray ’99 & Lauren Noll
Jennifer Phebus ’07
S. John & Kristina Roth
Lisa Udel & Timothy Kramer
Linda McEvers Van Aken ’69
Darrin Vits ’91
Dean & Judy Welch
Sid & Evelyn Welles

Benefactor of the Arts
$50 to $99
Paul & Lynda Drake
Lynne Force ’90
Adam & Kristin Jamison ’99
Mary Kennelly
Lillian Korous
Dennis Ptak
Steven Varble

Benefactor of the Arts
$1 to $49
Brianna Klein ’16
Louis ’67 & Marty Summers Vache ’67