Judith Schauerte Martin ’64

“He said that when he finished going through registration, he had given Illinois College all of his money and he didn’t know where he was going to sleep that night or where he was going to get 
a meal.”

Illinois College

Richard Martin ’64 stayed with some fellow students from Waverly that night and the next day got a job at a laundromat. Judith Schauerte Martin ’64 established an endowed scholarship for biology students in memory of her late husband, who went on to work his way through IC with the help of grant funding. His degree not only educated him, she said, but helped him move up in the world.

He proposed to Judith, who also would not have been able to pursue her education without the assistance of an Illinois College Science Fair scholarship, on the steps of a not-yet-finished Rammelkamp Chapel.

The couple had always given what they could out of gratitude to IC, and Judith continues to support the IC Fund and is a member of the Illinois College Society. When she learned about the Inspiring Achievement Campaign, it inspired her to go forward with establishing the scholarship 

in Richard’s name.

“Being part of the Campaign means that I can say ‘thank you’ to Illinois College.”