In Remembrance

Illinois College is grateful to have been the recipient of gifts in memory of alumni and other loved ones during the past fiscal year. Those memorialized are listed as follows.
In Remembrance

Robert Alexander ’59
Warren Baker ’75
GB & Maxine Beard
Jeff Bodeker ’80
Ken Bradbury ’71 H’98
Nancy Utter Bradbury ’75
Gertude May Branson ’39
Taylor Briggs ’19
Gwen Brimwoods ’42
Shirley Brooks ’59
Tom Burrus ’71
Andy Coultas
John Cully ’44
Allan & Beverley Edwards
George Evans ’38
Jack Farley
Jack & Dorothy Frank
Edgar Franz
Jenny Stremlau Geirnaeirt ’93
Nancy Givens ’71
Kent Grayson ’57
Harry Harvey ’96
Mike Herter
Jono Hildner ’66
Parks Jackson ’70
John Jackson ’50
Gert Jacobsohn ’52
Pete Johnson
Ronald Kilgus ’60
Ted ’41 & Joan Larson
Stephanie Law ’16
Scott Long ’95
Gerald Lucas ’69
John Marsh ’52
David Marshall ’71
Zoe Marshall ’32
Richard Martin ’64
Ed McEvers ’64
Mendy Mehrtens ’93
Bill Metz ’69
Janet Ryrholm Metzler ’51
Venice Meyer ’80
Rachel Mills
Lee Minier ’72
Carol Harding Moore ’77
Willis Munger ’36
George Norris ’48
Robert Olson ’62
Tracy Wallbaum Orr ’83
Jacob Palmatier ’98
C. Wayne Peck, Jr ’68
Beth Peters ’73
Connie Bump Pruitt ’61
Jack Rieke ’51
Connie Roegge
Ethel Seybold ’29
Bernice Hines Shepherd ’47
Eula Gerdes Stierholz ’56
Harold Taylor ’56
Diane Moore Tenhouse ’78
Grace Marshall Vogele ’21
Arthur Wadsworth ’32
Jon Ware H’08
Judy Westrate
John Williamson ’78
Marilyn Shaffner Williamson ’52
Roger Woods ’68
Katherine Harmon Yochum ’59
Mike ’39 & Frances Craig Zupsich ’34


John Williamson ’78