Steve ’70 and Sara Hedrick Tavender ’70

Since graduating together, Steve ’70 and Sara Hedrick Tavender ’70 have always given what they could to their alma mater. 


Both retired educators, Sara said she was lucky to have her college education funded by family, while Steve worked his way through. He credits the help of staff and faculty who were key figures that helped him finish his education. The couple eventually created the Hedrick-Tavender Endowed Scholarship to help future teachers have the experience they did at IC. The scholarship is named in memory of their fathers, who were both educators, J.E. Hedrick ’31 and Charles V. Tavender ’49.

“I just really thought that was something that we could help with in a small way. We’re not rolling in money,” Steve joked, “but we thought we could do something that would help the kids who need help to go to school.”