
Illinois College
We are grateful to the alumni, parents and friends of the College who give their talents and time in immeasurable and creative ways to support our campus community.

Reg Ankrom ’71
Mary Anthony
Michael Baise ’75
Willie Barefield ’13
Jacquie Barringer
Karen Verdeyen Baur
Sandy Stallings Bellatti ’70
Michael Bendorf ’04
Melanie Berg ’86
Katie Bernardi ’14
Jim Blasko
Jeff Boss ’78
Peg Robertson Boudreau ’69
Keith Bradbury ’73
Leah Lowes Brock ’00
H.O. Brownback ’72
Marcy Bramley Burrus ’71
Nick Bustos ’10
Dan Carie ’82
George W. Curry ’71
Conrad Damsgaard ’57
Rick Daniel ’85
Joe Darnell
Brenda Schone Dean ’80
Erick DeBolt ’14
Christi DeGroot ’84
Melissa Dyson ’97
Dick Fanning ’75
Ginny Bramley Fanning ’75
Tom Farmer ’14
Odell Fellhauer ’65
Jeremy Flynn ’99
Melissa Nath Franzen ’03
Travis Gilbert ’93
Kim Goeckner ’09
Kayla Graven ’11
Luiz Guimaraes ’90
Joseph Hamilton ’20
Joel Harmon ’66
Wes Harris ’99
Alban Haxhinasto ’02
Jamie Headen
Shannon Gauen Heisler ’92
Cole Heitz ’06
Dr. Jessica Dermody Higgs ’99
Erin Gobbel Howe ’03
Kathy Hull
Taryn Adcock Johnson ’16
Pat Kennedy ’67
Sam Killday ’21
Michelle LaFayette ’95
Kevin Lister ’81
Tony Lucca ’10
Rachel Macon ’11
Pam Carney Martin ’82
Caitlin McLaughlin ’11
Chuck McNeely ’71
Adam Mefford ’97
Rick Meidel ’85
Ann Burford Merchlewitz ’80
Bob Moore ’78
Lora Pond Murgatroyd ’69
Tom Murgatroyd ’70
Matt Murphy ’16
Randal Musch ’72
Leslie Ritchie Musch ’74
Judy Luckenbach Nelson ’81
Conrad Noll ’97
Mae Noll ’96
Josephine Oshiafi ’14
Pam Painter ’71
Bob Pearson ’71
Andrew Powell ’07
Tom Prather ’80
James Pratt ’93
Tom Purves ’76
Brad Regul ’11
Carol Bycroft Rieken ’63
Dave Ringhausen ’83
John Rohn ’07
Rita Mueller Schultz ’80
Debby Schwarz ’95
Amanda Shoemaker ’01
Annette Simmons ’86
Sally Stuber Smith ’82
Taylor Smith ’15
Mouna Soumahoro ’12
Scott Stewart ’02
Marianne Williams Stowers ’64
Katelyn Tabit ’21
Aaron Taft ’09
Jeff Tangman ’70
Jared Thoele ’10
Heather Miller Thompson ’10
Martha Thomason Varble ’61
Tom Veith ’86
Suzanne Hartman Verticchio ’67
Craig Villarreal ’18 
Cory Washington ’13
Nick Weaver ’08
Alexis Williams
Luke Worrell ’05
Leanna Wynn
Dr. Clare Zimmerman ’11
Heather Thomas Zulauf ’07