Illinois college & Ritsumeikan University Celebrating 30 Years

While the two educational institutions have had formal agreements allowing hundreds of students, faculty and alumni to travel the roughly 6,500 miles that separate the institutions, over a period spanning decades, the story of how the multi-faceted partnership began is surprisingly simple.
Koepp, who retired in 2015 after 33 years as an IC faculty member, recalls his first introduction to Ritsumeikan in 1980. Finishing his English doctoral work at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, he crossed paths with a visiting scholar from Ritsumeikan University, Dr. Iwao Yamamoto, also working in the English Department for the university.
“Before meeting him, I knew virtually nothing about Japan. I could find it on a world map; other than that, I didn’t have much knowledge or any particular interest. He really schooled me on a lot of things about Japanese culture that piqued my interest,” said Koepp, professor emeritus of English and former Frances McReynolds Smith Professor of International Understanding.
As a friendship grew between the two, a level of trust was established between faculty at both schools, encouraging conversations, visits and later agreements. The partnership has been dynamic, leading to the development of multiple programs for the exchange of faculty and students, joint symposiums and research projects, and several special programs held at each institution to increase scholarship and intercultural understanding.
Koepp played an instrumental role in developing the collaboration with RU, and he is quick to point out that it is the commitment of many members of each educational community that has ensured the lasting value of the partnership over the years.
“The people who have committed to this program and stuck with it, the faculty and staff who continue to build these relationships and keep coming back to it, that has strengthened the program. A lot of people at IC have intentionally grown this relationship and become invested,” he said.
IC’s exchange program director, Rebecca Spencer, is one person Koepp credits with maintaining the RU-IC connection today. Spencer has been involved in the program since 1997 and said it has been a privilege to see the program evolve over the years to have greater impact on both institutions.
Spencer recently traveled with a group of over 30 on a Views of Japan Trip that brought together Illinois College community members from all backgrounds, hosted by Illinois College President Barbara A. Farley and College trustees. Travelers who attended the reciprocal 30-year celebration at RU included alumni, faculty, host families and program affiliates.
“The connections between families and students are what makes this one of the most popular short-term programs offered at Ritsumeikan University. While we had many new and exotic experiences during our travels, because of these connections we didn’t feel like strangers in a foreign land,” said Spencer, who hopes to explore interest in similar BreakAway-style alumni trips.
Another significant component of the RU-IC partnership has been a shared vision for increasing global peace through education. Mutual respect has led to open communication and increased collaboration throughout the years, ensuring the partnership has maximum benefits for students on each side of the world. Administrators at RU have often expressed their gratitude for Illinois College.
“I believe that for our students who were supported by IC and the community, they are now like true family and that this has been possible because of the love and warmth from the staff at IC and the host families,” said Professor Yoshida, president of RU, during the recent anniversary celebration.
In his 2017 commencement speech, Koepp shared his hopes for the future of Illinois College along with advice for students as they left the Hilltop. “It has been an extraordinary 30-year collaboration. Let’s all hope that this partnership in global and intercultural education will continue for many years. I hope you all continue to make intercultural connections when and where you can and strive with open minds and hearts to make a difference in the world.”
Quote: “I believe that for our students who were supported by IC and the community, they are now like true family and that this has been possible because of the love and warmth from the staff and IC and the host families.” Professor Yoshida, president of RU
Collaboration Highlights:
1986 Administrators and faculty from Illinois College and Ritsumeikan meet in Chicago, agreeing to begin a partnership where IC will host RU students in a five-week language and culture program.
1987 Koepp travels to Japan to make arrangements for the program. Later, faculty and staff from RU visit IC’s campus, solidifying the partnership. The official agreement between the institutions is made.
1988 IC welcomes 25 students from RU to its campus for the Intercultural Exchange Program.
1989 First IC student-faculty trip to Ritsumeikan, with six student participants participating in the Kyoto Summer Language Program.
1989-1993 Illinois College hosts faculty from Ritsumeikan for one-week visits, funded by the Intercultural Exchange Program.
1993 IC President Donald Mundinger travels to Ritsumeikan University to be awarded an honorary degree. IC holds a three-week seminar on English language and American culture for 12 members of RU’s administrative staff.
1995 A new exchange agreement is reached between IC and RU, made official with a formal ceremony in Jacksonville. The reciprocal agreement further benefits students at both institutions with increased opportunities to study abroad. IC hosts an American Studies Symposium, with presentations by both IC and Ritsumeikan faculty.
2000 A group of IC students travels on the first Views of Japan BreakAway, which includes 10 days on RU’s campus and is led by Dr. Koepp and Dr. John Fritsche, IC professor of education.
2007 In celebration of 20 years of partnership, IC hosts a faculty symposium with seven presenters from RU.
2012 A new agreement of cooperation reached between RU and IC broadens the partnership to include increased opportunities for exchange of faculty and students and establish guidelines for more joint research, conferences and cultural programs. Ritsumeikan University provides a letter of support, pledging partnership, in IC’s application to the Henry Luce Foundation for a Luce Initiative on Asian Studies and the Environment (LIASE) exploratory grant.
2013 IC hosts two visiting professors through a new exchange initiative with RU’s College of Business Administration. IC, in partnership with RU, receives a $50,000 LIASE exploratory grant that leads to a $400,000 implementation grant in 2015. Dr. Kevin Klein, IC professor of economics, completes a faculty exchange as a visiting professor at RU, meeting with faculty and guest lecturing in various courses.
2014 IC holds the Symposium on Science, Sustainability and Teaching, part of the Luce grant, with presenters from RU. T.J. Divine, IC instructor of economics, visits the College of Business Administration at RU as part of a faculty exchange. Illinois College hosts its first graduate intern from RU, working across disciplines and benefitting current students with presentations on Japanese culture, medicine and Ritsumeikan University.
2017 Ritsumeikan president Mikio Yoshida is presented an honorary doctorate at commencement, accepted by the university’s vice president, Toyohiko Matsubara. Dr. Koepp delivers commencement address to the Class of 2017 and shares the story of IC’s partnership with Ritsumeikan. President Barbara A. Farley and Illinois College trustees lead a group of alumni and program participants on the Views of Japan Trip in celebration of the 30-year partnership.