IC graduate proves himself on the Hilltop and beyond

As a criminal trial lawyer working on a wide range of cases from white-collar crimes to murders, Jim Voyles ’65 faces challenges daily.

One challenge he remembers well is the rejection letter he received from Illinois College.

Voyles, in an early display of his determination, took a year to attend a junior college in Springfield, improved his grades, and reapplied. This time he was accepted and his journey to graduate from IC was set into motion; it was an experience that would shape his life.

While some doubters thought IC’s rigorous academic standards were too much for Voyles, proving them wrong was only added motivation. In recent years, Voyles has even brought the original rejection letter to an Illinois College Board of Trustees meeting – a board on which he served for many years, as a reminder of what he has overcome.

As a student, Voyles lived and worked at the Illinois School for the Blind in Jacksonville, which kept him too busy to participate in some campus activities where he had an interest, like debate and football. Voyles did find time to be an active member of the Sigma Pi literary society, holding several positions, including president during his senior year.

“In a trial, you’re the lead. Like in a play, you’re the producer and you’re the lead actor. And so being president for Sigma Pi gave me experience in aleadership role and giving direction. The people around you have high expectations and you have to depend on your team to help reach goals,” said Voyles.

Voyles credits a well-rounded liberal arts education from IC as setting the groundwork for a successful life and career. He has shown the same passion and commitment over the 49-years he has spent practicing law as he did as a student, building a reputation as one of the most powerful attorneys in Indiana. He has handled several high profile cases with a list of clients that includes Steve Jackson (Indiana Pacers), Al Unser Jr. (two-time Indianapolis 500 winner) and Dominic Rhodes (member of the Indianapolis Colts’ 2007 Super Bowl winning team). His most publicized case was in the early ’90s as local counsel for Mike Tyson. He has received national recognition in the form of numerous awards for his outstanding work in law.

After graduating from IC, Voyles went on to Indiana University McKinney School of Law – Indianapolis, where he earned his law degree in 1968, working as a clerk for the Indiana State’s Attorney’s Office. He has spent his career at the firm now known as Voyles Vaiana Lukemeyer Baldwin & Webb.

Throughout his life, Voyles has remembered the second chance he got to prove himself on the Hilltop. He has made significant contributions to Illinois College and to Indiana University McKinney School of Law – Indianapolis. He also serves as a Trustee Emeritus on the Illinois College Board of Trustees and was bestowed with an Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree in 2015.

When asked why he continues to give back to his alma mater, Voyles said, “Illinois College gave me the opportunity to be where I am today. Why wouldn’t I invest in other young people who are entitled to the same opportunity I was?”