Where professors mentor and guide

45+ Areas of
to explore?

Through an innovative curriculum, global footprint and life-defining experiences, Illinois College guarantees that you will Graduate READY.

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By the Numbers

80 percent of employers
80% of employers say
they look for critical thinking
skills when hiring
Nearly 100% of IC graduates
are either employed or in
graduate school within
one year of graduation
Of students do a major
research project with faculty
outside of the classroom

Innovative Curriculum

Rather than requiring a series of general courses, we embed key competencies such as civic engagement and creative problem-solving into the courses you want to take. The BLUEprint ensures you both the depth and breadth needed to stand-out in today’s job market because three out of four business leaders say being well-rounded is more important than your major.

Our Curriculum

Global Learning

To be successful in a diverse world you need the skills and experiences only available at a diverse campus like Illinois College. Whether you go on a BreakAway trip, study abroad for a semester, take one of our over 90 courses embedded with diversity experiences, or build life-long friendships with your classmates from around the country and world, you will be amazed at the number of opportunities to be part of an inclusive and diverse community. 

BreakAways and Study Abroad

Life-Defining Experiences

Experiential learning is a hallmark of your IC education and you’ll have the opportunity for internships, leadership experiences, service learning and student-faculty research. In fact, 100% of IC students engage in at least one experiential learning opportunity and most do two or three.

Learning Opportunities