Campus Apartments & Houses

Campus Apartments and Houses

College Avenue Apartments 

  • Provides transitional housing opportunities to junior and senior students
  • Houses 56 students in single or shared bedrooms
    • 12 two-bedroom apartments
    • 9 single-bedroom apartments
  • Fully furnished bedrooms, limited living room, and dining room furniture
  • Co-ed building
  • All apartments are air-conditioned
  • Kitchen space, including stove and refrigerator

Campus Houses

  • Illinois College currently owns 6 campus houses that can hold between 5 to 8 students and can be co-ed.
  • All houses are air-conditioned, include all utilities, trash & recycling, Wi-Fi, and in-house free laundry.
  • The cost for living in a campus house is billed through the student’s account.
  • The campus-owned houses are fully furnished with living room furniture, dining room, as well as; one bed, dresser, closet/wardrobe, desk, and desk chair per occupant.
  • Students apply to live in the houses through the Office of Residential Life and must complete the Campus House specialty housing application by the spring deadline to be considered for the house the following fall semester.
  • Students must have completed two semesters of college coursework after high school to be eligible to live in a campus house.
  • Fayerweather House is a gender-neutral living community that houses up to 18 students. It was built in 1852 by Julian Sturtevant and named for Hannah and Elizabeth Fayerweather after being purchased by IC in 1929.
    • Gender-neutral living community
    • Houses 18 students
    • Live-in Resident Assistant
    • Eligible for New and Returning students
    • Kitchen space available on first floor