Theatre Courses

TH 190 From Comic Books to Blockbusters (4)
This course looks at superheroes as they appear in comic books and films dating from the 1940s
to the present day. Special attention will be paid to the evolution of heroes’ and heroines’ identities
across time. The final project is the creation of a short superhero film/comic.

TH 222 Acting (4)
An introductory workshop experience for actors, designed to foster a basic competence in the uses of the voice, body, and imagination for dramatic performance. Offered every semester.

TH 231 Stagecrafts (4)
Students will acquire a hands-on knowledge of the methods, principles, and conventions of scenic production by way of both lab and lecture periods. As this is a prerequisite for advanced classes in technical theatre, basic skills and a working vocabulary in scenery and property construction, scene painting, lighting, and sound will be stressed. Offered every semester.

TH 326 Scriptwriting Workshop (4)
This class is designed to teach students about the nuts and bolts of scriptwriting. It covers topics such as action/plot, structure, character development, dialogue, and setting both in the abstract and in plays written by both professionals and college students. It encourages writers to choose workable ideas, draft them, and improve them through exploration and peer review. The final project is a one-act play or film script.

TH 351 Intermediate Acting (4)
A studio class utilizing the specific methodology of theorist Sanford Meisner. Additionally, this course will focus on the mastery of audition technique relevant to prepare students for professional competition. Offered once every three years. Prerequisite: TH 222 or consent of the instructor.

TH 352 Theatre on the Edge (4)
A studio class exploring various non-realistic approaches to theatre-making, including the body as object, masks, commedia dell’arte, physical comedy, soundscapes, and translations of film, art, and music into theatrical performance. The course culminates in a piece of devised theatre on a topic chosen by the students and performed for the Celebration of Excellence. Offered once every three years.

TH 353 Advanced Acting (4)
A studio class focusing on physical characterizations, especially for monologues; period style movement; voice work; understanding and speaking classical texts; and stage combat: unarmed, broadsword, and single rapier. Prerequisite: TH 222 or consent of the instructor. Offered once every three years.

TH 361 Elements of Design (4)
This course will immerse students in a study of all aspects of theatre design, from general design theory to practical execution of designs in the theatre, with a focus on scenic design. Prerequisite: TH 231. Offered alternate years.

TH 362 Light and Sound (4)
In this course students will examine the visual and aural world and how that is imitated and manipulated in theatrical lighting and sound. Students will acquire a thorough understanding of lighting and sound technology through a study of history, theory, and hands-on experience. Prerequisite: TH 231. Offered alternate years.

TH 363 Stage Management and Theatre Operations (4)
This course combines stage management and production management, exploring the relationship between the artistry and execution of theatre from conception to final performance. Topics include stage management, production management, delegation, scheduling, professional unions, time and personnel management, touring, publicity/marketing, box office, and house management. Students will be placed in a problem-solving environment so they can acquire knowledge and skills necessary for becoming a leader in a theatre organization. Prerequisite: TH 231. Offered alternate years.

TH 461, 462 Independent Study in Theatre (1)
Advanced tutorial on an appropriate topic. Prerequisite: consent of the instructor.

TH 463, 464 Internship in Theatre (1 - 4)
Internship with a theatre company or company utilizing theatre, usually during the summer. Areas of emphasis include acting, playwriting, stage management, lighting and sound, and box office/ house management.

TH 465, 466 Independent Research in Theatre (1 - 2)
When a faculty-directed production is entered in the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival, an outside evaluator chooses two students to participate in the regional Irene Ryan Scholarship Audition. In conjunction with their director, they research and prepare scenes to present at the festival.

TH 485 Senior Capstone: Theatre Directing (4)
This course examines the role of the director and how he or she translates technique and theory into the world of the text with a focus on exploration and collaboration with actors and designers. Additionally, students will practice the organizational and communication skills required to helm a production. The final outcome of the course for each student will be a fully realized production of a one-act play in the ICEBOX. Prerequisites: TH 222, junior standing, and consent of the instructor. Offered fall semesters.

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