Computer Science

Build a solid, practical foundation in software development that includes algorithm development and programming, along with the fundamentals of theory and hardware.


  • A brand new, state-of-the-art Crispin Hall opened in August 2023, providing the latest technology and learning spaces for STEM majors at Illinois College.
  • Your internships prepare you to enter the field with hands-on, professional experience.
  • Learn various advanced topics by taking elective courses in computer science with advising by expert faculty to prepare you for success in the field or further study in a graduate program.
  • You will work closely with knowledgeable faculty who wrote the textbooks used for the first two introductory courses to Java.
  • Computer science curriculum is developed using the ACM curriculum recommendations to ensure the program is effective, innovative and relative to the current field.
  • Illinois College Computer Club (ICCC) members participate in the ACM-ICPC Mid-Central Regional Programming Contest and take field trips to research facilities and companies with established connections to IC, such as National Center for Supercomputing and Applications at the University of Illinois, Wolfram Research, Levi, Ray & Shoup (LRS), Bound To Stay Bound, Dot Foods, and CCK Automation.
  • You'll have full access to IC’s Advanced  Computing Lab to work on your programs, hang out, or study with other computer science majors. 


Graduates of the computer science program tend to go straight into the industry after graduation, so internships are a very important part of their preparation for future success. Our students have interned at top companies across the country, with many leading to offers of full-time employment. Recent internship sites include Bound to Caterpillar, Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC), Dot Foods, Goldman Sachs, IBM, and Levi, Ray & Shoup (LRS).

Recent alumni have also gone on to graduate programs at Washington University in St. Louis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,.Iowa State University,  University of Rhode Island, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. 

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