
If you love to write and want to hone your craft, improve your chances of professional publication and prepare for careers in writing, the writing concentration in English is the perfect fit for you.


  • The writing concentration prepares students for careers in writing, content management, game design, grant writing, editing, public relations, social media, magazine publishing, technical writing and a host of other fields.
  • You may choose an expository or a creative focus, allowing you to  specialize in fiction, poetry or nonfiction.
  • You will take a blend of writing workshops and literature courses so you can place your writing in the larger context of high-quality literature. Focused feedback from knowledgeable faculty and peers will allow you to improve your writing within a nurturing community.
  • The writing program will connect you to opportunities to pursue travel, become involved with campus publications and local internships, and practice your skills with hands-on learning in online and print writing. 
  • You will have the ability to network with alumni who will share their experiences in graduate programs and diverse career fields, with targeted advice on applying to graduate schools or jobs. 
  • Faculty and staff will guide you to learn about the larger field of English studies and the many opportunities it contains. You will Graduate READY to pursue your specific career goals, with individualized faculty advising and a capstone senior seminar.
  • You will graduate with a complete, polished portfolio of writing and professional experiences, making you highly marketable to graduate schools and employers. 


 Alumni have been accepted to graduate programs in literature, writing, publishing, library and information science, law, communication, film study, education, rhetoric and composition, English as a Second Language and intercultural communication. Recent graduates have attended Simmons College, Temple University, Iowa State University, Vancouver Film School, University of Sheffield (England), Drexel University, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Loyola University Chicago School of Law, Kansas State University, Clemson University, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville and others. 

Graduates have also gone on to serve in the Peace Corps, teach English in Japan and Korea, and hold a variety of careers in education, grant writing, law school, game design, law enforcement and business.

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